Can it get to good to be true?
Hey everyone!I just read that a clinical study by Novo Nordisk on “Wegovy” has shown to be able to reduce the risk of serious Cardiovascular
Responsibility – bringing science into public domain conversation
Responsibility – bringing science into public domain conversationWay too often the scientific message carries complex information and/or has little perceived relevance and therefore quickly loses
Cooperation – A grain of salt
Our bodies require small amounts of salt to function, however most people consume much more than that. Health professionals within the cardiovascular field have tried
Responsibility – The case of Mr. Can
As scientists we all subscribe to methods where the answer seldomly lies in the story of one person. However, I still have a strong conviction
Hope – A foundation of life
Many people are fighting, or have fought, the greatest battles of their lives. Those of us with a life threatening condition or a less serious
Cooperation – Expanding the zone of development
Looking back on the last few years, I get amazed and inspired. It is almost unreal to me that we have been able to treat